Our Services

Chronic pain rehabilitation services in London  and Home Counties

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Physiotherapists work with people with chronic pain to help improve strength, conditioning and function in order to help them achieve their goals. Physiotherapy in chronic pain is differs from the traditional hands-on physiotherapy provided in hospital outpatient departments or clinics. The specialist chronic pain approach combines physical and psychological strategies to help people self-manage their symptoms as best they can within their lives and achieve the best physical conditioning despite their chronic pain. A specialist pain physiotherapist works with clients to gently build up strength and flexibility through appropriate exercise/movement and return to valued activity.

Clients with chronic pain require a paced approach, and so interventions are often provided less frequently but over a prolonged period of time in order to allow sufficient time for the client to build up their strength and stamina slowly.

It can be daunting to try new fitness activities when you have chronic pain or return to activities that now seem more challenging. The physiotherapist can support clients through the difficult early stages, ensuring that the activities are safe and appropriate and that progression is paced and timely.

Physiotherapists can also advise on maladapted posture, gait and movements that may have arisen as a result of the client’s experience of pain, which can, in the long run, be causing more harm than good.


Why is psychology important in Chronic Pain.?

Many people with chronic pain hear the word psychologist and think that this means their pain is somehow not real, or they are making it up or exaggerating their symptoms. This could not be further from the truth.

At LINK CPR we acknowledge that ALL pain is real.

We also know that chronic pain and depression/anxiety are closely linked and tend to form a downward spiral of physical and psychological symptoms that are difficult to break free from.

Significant research over the past 30 years has changed the way we view pain and we now know that the brain has a significant impact on how we experience pain, and how the symptoms might be maintained by the central nervous system and immune system changes. Psychologists use a variety of approaches based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (looking at how we think, feel and behave) to help break the chronic pain cycle and start to move forwards with more productive activity. Research has shown that using Mindfulness meditation techniques can be highly effective in managing and minimising symptoms and Link CPR are also able to offer sessions with experienced mindfulness practitioners.

Our psychologists and mindfulness practitioners all have extensive experience working with people with chronic pain. Some sessions can be provided online if this is appropriate for the individual client.

Occupational therapy

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Within Link CPR we have access to highly specialist occupational therapists who have worked extensively with people with chronic pain. Occupational therapists (OTS) can provide support and guidance to those looking to return to employment or voluntary work and will assist the client to search for employment/voluntary opportunities, liaise with employers/voluntary bodies, develop phased return to work plans, and recommend equipment that may be beneficial for managing pain at work.

Clients may also wish to return to social/leisure pursuits that have been limited by their chronic pain condition. An occupational therapist can assist the client in developing opportunities for returning to or looking for new leisure activities and supporting them to adapt and pace activities appropriately.

OTs can also recommend equipment for the home environment and give advice on small housing adaptations as necessary.

Pathway process

Referral process

Clients can be referred to Link CPRS by any funding body, usually the client’s solicitor or claims management company. Case managers can also refer to the service where funding has been agreed upon. We will need written confirmation of funding agreement prior to contacting the client.

We accept referrals for adults over 18 years of age with chronic pain of any origin.


The initial step following referral is for one of our specialist assessors to visit the client at home and undertake a full evaluation of their rehabilitation needs. We will ask the client to fill in some questionnaires prior to the visits, which we will use as outcome measures as the programme progresses. We will also use this information to form the basis of a values-based goal setting which will be individual to and developed with the client.

Assessment will be based on a biopsychosocial model acknowledging the multiple factors that co-exist to influence the output of pain.

Assessment Report

Within ten working days of the visit, we will produce a comprehensive assessment report for the funder detailing the difficulties identified with the client, the objectives of the rehabilitation intervention and an estimate of costs for the individualised programme. The extent of the services required, e.g., likely number of visits necessary, type of therapy, where the therapy will take place, will be highly variable according to the type of difficulties that the client presents with.

At this stage, we will estimate costs as the rate of the client’s progress will be difficult to predict, and their presentation may vary in relation to factors outside the control of Link CPR.

Progress through the programme.

The assessor will initiate contact with the individual practitioners who will be involved with the client. The assessor will continue to monitor progress throughout the clients’ pathway through Link CPR and will be the main contact point for queries and questions from the client or funding body.

An individual programme may take three months to complete or may extend over 12-18 months depending on client need. Link CPR will undertake a multi-disciplinary review meeting at regular intervals to re-evaluate goals and ensure that the client is continuing to benefit from the service. Funding bodies will be kept informed at each review, and further estimates of costs will be produced if and when necessary.


Clients will be discharged from the service in consultation with funding bodies when progress has reached a plateau, or the client has developed sufficient self-management strategies/self-efficacy that further support is no longer required. A full multi-disciplinary discharge summary will be produced at this stage.

Our costs

Click here to see the costs for our services and to get in touch with our team.

For chronic pain services, contact us at info@cpr.uk

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